The Trusty brand of treats for dogs and cats has just been launched and is available at Bunnings Warehouse throughout Australia.
Trusty Dog and Cat Treats Now Available at Bunnings Warehouse
As part of Garth Group, Trusty benefits from decades of experience working with partners to offer great value, top-quality products to our customers across the world. Trusty will be no exception, with an initial product portfolio of treats and dental care products for cats and dogs which offer ethically-sourced natural ingredients and simple yet delicious recipes to make sure your furry friend is happy and healthy, all at an affordable price.
Decades of Experience Backing Trusty Dog and Cat Treats
Gavin Hill, Garth’s Chief Executive Officer, and brand owner of Trusty said: “We all want the best for our pets, so it is a source of great delight to launch Trusty – a modern Aussie brand which puts the health and well-being of our pets at the heart of everything we do.”
CEO Gavin Hill on the Launch of Trusty Dog and Cat Treats
“Since COVID-19, the pet market has grown and changed. Amazingly, pet ownership is up by 8% in Australia from two years ago. There are now 30 million pets in Australia, and we are spending more time with them than ever before. It is a great time for us to get involved and demonstrate the respect we have for animals – both for our pets and the animals that are used in the supply chain.
A Growing Pet Market Perfect for Trusty Dog and Cat Treats
“At Trusty, we source from the best suppliers we can find and operate a sustainable business in terms of growth and environmental impact. We aim to be transparent in everything we do, making sure our packaging is clear and our marketing describes the benefits our products bring to your pooch or kitty.
Sustainability and Transparency at the Heart of Trusty Dog and Cat Treats
“The key thing we always remember is that every pet is different – so our range of treats aims to cater to your pet’s own needs, whether they require options that are vegan, grain free, breath freshening, or just something delicious to chew on!”
Catering to Every Pet’s Needs with Trusty Dog and Cat Treats
So, what next? Please stay informed and involved by following our Instagram and Facebook pages, which will be full of top tips and 101 different ways of celebrating our furry friends. Links below in the footer.
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Sign up to our newsletter in the footer below – which will be coming later this year.
Please try our products and tell us what you think by sending us a message here.
Try Trusty Dog and Cat Treats and Share Your Feedback
Watch out for competitions coming soon and bag yourself a box of pet treats and accessories